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Suburb insights for Gruyere3770

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Gruyere is located 43 km north-east from Melbourne. Gruyere is a premium wine growing area just behind Coldstream on the Maroondah Highway and Wandin on the Warburton Highway. It has strong farming and agricultural roots with a variety of products such as apples pears citrus and cattle a country experience. The area features Stringybark Creek. It's also home to some of the most iconic wines of the Yarra Valley some of which can be found on the Maddens Lane Winery Trail.

Sales data

Median sale price
Annual price change
Metro Melbourne Comparison
BedroomsGruyereMetro comparison
InsightGruyereMetro comparison
Clearance rate73.3%
Days on market42

Rental data

Median weekly rent
Rental yield
Metro Melbourne Comparison
BedroomsGruyereMetro comparison
Median data for the current quarter
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