REIV Privacy Policy
The Real Estate Institute of Victoria Ltd [ACN 004 210 897] is committed to respecting your right to privacy and provides you with this Policy so you will know how it manages your personal information.
(*”APP” means the Australian Privacy Principles)
The kinds of personal information which we collect and hold from you
Typically this will be your name, addresses and contact details. It may also include your date of birth, gender, occupation, bank account and other financial and account information, credit card details, and, if you are an REIV member or you are applying to become a member, professional indemnity insurance information.
If appropriate, we may also ask you to provide details about your business, your educational and/or professional qualifications, advice about other organisations of which you are a member and if you need to hold a licence or other permission to conduct your business activities, we may also you to provide details of it.
If we provide you with goods, services and an REIV member rewards program or any of these things we may also ask you from time to time to respond to questions about them and provide us with your views on them and your preferences when purchasing or being provided with our goods, services and REIV member rewards program or goods, services and member rewards programs in general and in the course of doing so we may also ask you provide personal information about your socio-economic circumstances.
If we ask you to provide your personal information in connection with providing goods, services or an REIV member rewards program to you and you decline to do so, the main consequences for you may be that we are unable to adequately provide any or all of those things or provide them at all.
We will only collect your sensitive information if it is reasonably necessary for one of our functions or activities, and you consent to its collection. Your sensitive information includes, for example, whether you are a member of a professional or trade association, have a health issue or have a disability.
How we collect and hold your personal information
Mostly we collect your personal information from you. In some circumstances we may also collect it from other sources other than you.
We hold your personal information and, if collected, your sensitive information either in hard copy or electronic form, or both.
The purposes for which we collect, hold, use and disclose your personal information
If you are a member of the REIV, or are applying for membership, we collect, use, and disclose your personal information in connection with or in relation to –
your application for or renewal of membership of the REIV
processing your application(s) for training, continuing professional development, conferences, seminars, and REIV functions
providing you with goods, services, and the benefits of your REIV membership
member rewards programs
telemarketing calls
direct marketing
sponsorship of REIV activities
providing services to the real estate industry
promoting the REIV and the benefits of employing REIV members to the public
responding to enquiries about whether you are member of the REIV
member-to-member complaints and disputes
complaints received from members of the public
making submissions to or lobbying parliamentarians or the bureaucracy
the business activities of Ltd and other companies related to the REIV
fulfilling our legal obligations
If you are a member of the public and you provide us with your personal information or your personal information is provided to us by someone other than yourself or if you provide us with your sensitive information we will hold, use, and disclose it only in connection with or in relation to the matter for which it was provided to us.
Dealing with us anonymously or by use of a pseudonym
If you are a member of the REIV or if you are a member of the public, you may wish to deal with us anonymously or by a pseudonym in relation to a particular matter.
If it is impractical for us to deal with you in relation to a particular matter on that basis, we will advise you. For example, if you are ordering goods or services, it is impractical for us to deal with you anonymously or by a pseudonym.
If you are an REIV member making a complaint about another REIV member or if you are a member of the public making a complaint about an REIV member, it is impractical for us to deal with you anonymously or by a pseudonym as we and the member, who is the subject of the complaint, are entitled to know both what your complaint is about and who is actually making it.
How you may access your personal information and seek correction of it
You may access your personal information by contacting us between the hours of 9:00 am and 5:00 pm Monday to Friday, public holidays and Christmas – New Year office closure (24 December – 2 January) excepted. Alternatively, you can write to us.
Our telephone number is (03) 9205 6666. Our facsimile number is (03) 9205 6699. Our email address is Our postal address is: The Real Estate Institute of Victoria Ltd, PO Box 443, Camberwell, Victoria, 3124.
We will ask you to confirm your identity, before we provide you with access to your personal information.
Generally there will be no cost to you in accessing your personal information. If, however, your request is complex or will involve us in providing extensive resources, we may ask you to pay a reasonable charge. We will tell you the amount of it, so you can agree to pay it before going ahead.
How you may complain about a breach of the APPs
If you consider we have breached an APP, you may contact us by letter, facsimile, or email. Our contact details are set out above.
If it is necessary for you to contact us, we ask that you briefly describe your complaint and tell us which APP(s) you consider we have breached and why.
When you contact us, please provide your name, address and other contact details so we can respond in a timely manner. If you overlook doing this, it is most unlikely we will be able to reply to you.
How we will deal with your complaint
We will promptly acknowledge receipt of your complaint, if you provide us with your address or other contact details.
We will investigate your complaint and attempt to resolve it with you in a timely manner.
If you consider we have not adequately dealt with your complaint, you may refer it to the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner.
The address is –
Office of the Australian Information Commissioner
GPO Box 5218
Email –
Phone – 1300 363 992
Disclosing your personal information to overseas recipients
We may transfer your personal information to overseas countries in performing one or more of our functions or activities. If we do so we will take reasonable steps to ensure the recipient does not breach the APPs in relation to your personal information.
We may also rely on third party suppliers to provide us with web hosting, cloud computing technologies, and data storage services. If your personal information is provided to third party suppliers so they can perform contracts with us, we will us our best endeavours to ensure they handle your personal information as required by the APPs. We will also request they provide privacy undertakings and enter into confidentiality agreements.
Privacy Act 1988 – Notification of collection of personal information
You have provided us with personal information in your registration for this event/ training. We collect the personal information and will hold, use and disclose it to process your registration and to provide you access to the event.
This information may also be used to advise you of services and other events we think may be of interest to you, including those of sponsors or kindred bodies. We may also use it in compiling statistics about our events, but with the personal information de-identified. We will not use or disclose the personal information for another purpose, unless you consent or laws permit or require us to do so. We are unlikely to disclose the personal information you provided to overseas recipients.
The main consequence for you if the personal information is incomplete or inaccurate is that we may not be able to process your registration or provide you with the event.
Our privacy policy contains information about how you may access your personal information to seek correction. It also contains information about how you may complain to us about a breach of the Australian Privacy Principles and how we will deal with your complaint.
Photography & filming at events
Photography/filming may be undertaken at the event and may be used for promotion of the REIV and/or reporting on the event. If you prefer that your photograph not be taken, please advise the photographer or an REIV representative at the event.
Event bookings and cancellations
Registrations are essential. Places WILL NOT be reserved if a registration is not received. Registrations cancelled less than seven days prior to the event WILL NOT be refunded or credited.
Under the Data Provision Requirements 2012, REIV is required to collect personal information about you and to disclose that personal information to the National Centre for Vocational Education Research Ltd (NCVER).
Your personal information may be used or disclosed by REIV for statistical, administrative, regulatory and research purposes. REIV may disclose your personal information for these purposes to:
Commonwealth and State or Territory government departments and authorised agencies; and
Personal information that has been disclosed to NCVER may be used or disclosed by NCVER for the following purposes:
populating authenticated VET transcripts;
facilitating statistics and research relating to education, including surveys and data linkage;
pre-populating RTO student enrolment forms;
understanding how the VET market operates, for policy, workforce planning and consumer information; and
administering VET, including program administration, regulation, monitoring and evaluation.
You may receive a student survey which may be administered by a government department or NCVER employee, agent or third party contractor or other authorised agencies. Please note you may opt out of the survey at the time of being contacted.
NCVER will collect, hold, use and disclose your personal information in accordance with the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth), the National VET Data Policy and all NCVER policies and protocols (including those published on NCVER's website at
The Victorian Government, through the Department of Education and Training (the Department), develops, monitors and funds vocational education and training (VET) in Victoria. The Victorian Government is committed to ensuring that Victorians have access to appropriate and relevant VET services. Any
personal information collected by the Department for VET purposes is protected in accordance with the Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014 (Vic) and the Health Records Act 2001 (Vic).
Collection of your data
The REIV is required to provide the Department with student and training activity data. This includes personal information collected in the REIV enrolment form and unique identifiers such as the Victorian Student Number (VSN) and the Commonwealth’s Unique Student Identifier (USI).
The REIV provides data to the Department in accordance with the Victorian VET Student Statistical Collection Guidelines, available at:
Use of your data
The Department uses student and training data, including personal information, for a range of VET purposes including administration, monitoring and planning.
A student’s USI may be used for specific VET purposes including the verification of student data provided by The REIV; the administration and audit of VET providers and programs; education-related policy and research purposes; and to assist in determining eligibility for training subsidies.
Disclosure of your data
As necessary and where lawful, the Department may disclose VET data, including personal information, to its contractors, other government agencies, professional bodies and/or other organisations for VET-related purposes. In particular, this includes disclosure of VET student and training data to the Commonwealth and the National Centre for Vocational Education Research (NCVER).
Legal and Regulatory
The Department’s collection and handling of enrolment data and VSNs is authorised under the Education and Training Reform Act 2006 (Vic). The Department is also authorised to collect and handle USIs in accordance with the Student Identifiers Act 2014 (Cth) and the Student Identifiers Regulation 2014 (Cth).
Survey participation
You may be contacted to participate in a survey conducted by NCVER or a Department-endorsed project, audit or review relating to your training. This provides valuable feedback on the delivery of VET programs in Victoria. Please note, you can opt out of the NCVER survey at the time of being contacted.
Consequences of not providing your information
Failure to provide your personal information may mean that it is not possible for you to enrol in VET and/or to obtain a Victorian Government VET subsidy.
Access, correction and complaints
You have the right to seek access to or correction of your own personal information. You may also complain if you believe your privacy has been breached.
For further information, please contact The REIV’s Training Administration Officer in the first instance by phone 9205 6666 or email
Further information
For further information about the way the Department collects and handles personal information, including access, correction, and complaints, go to:
For further information about Unique Student Identifiers, including access, correction and complaints, go to:
The REIV website uses AI for determining Search Results. We recommend checking important information before use.
The chatbot on this website utilises AI to provide responses to your queries. Consider verifying important information.
AI Search and AI chat Interactions are de-identified and stored in a database located in Australia.
De-identified information is used to enhance the website's search functionality and content.
Usage data is monitored to understand general user behavior, interactions, and to detect any abuse.
Data sent to the Large Language Model (LLM) is not used for further training of the LLM. It may also be monitored for potential abuse.