Honour Roll: Master Auctioneers

2023Greg Brydon
2021Paul Tzamalis
2020Andy Reid
2019Luke Banitsiotis
2016John Nichols (posth)
2016Phil De Fegely
2016Marshall White (posth)
2016Allan Lord (posth)
2016Geoff Sutherland
2015Steven Abbott
2015Peter Batrouney
2015Adrian Butera
2015Peter Hawkins
2015Harry Li
2015Justin Long
2015John Matthews
2015Scott Patterson
2015Barry Plant
2015Milo Rasinac
2015Tom Roberts
2015Matthew Young
2015Peter Kakos
2015Jeremy Tyrrell
2015Michael McCarthy (posth)

Honour Roll: Novice Auctioneer of the Year

2023Eleanor Currie
2022Ashley Maikousis
2021Lachlan Walker
2020Christian Cortese
2018Charles Shi
2017Joshua Kalender
2016Jack Richardson
2015Kristian Lunardi
2014Luke Banitsiotis
2013Nicholas Goold
2012Michael Kelly
2011Mark Verrocchi
2010Spiros Karagiannidis

Honour Roll: Senior Auctioneer of the Year

2024Paul Tzamalis
2023Greg Brydon
2022Luke Banitsiotis
2021Paul Tzamalis
2020Andy Reid
2019Luke Banitsiotis
2018Luke Banitsiotis
2017Harry Li
2016Harry Li
2015Tom Roberts
2014Harry Li
2013Jeremy Tyrrell
2012Jeremy Tyrrell
2011Matthew Young
2010Adrian Butera
2009Steven Abbott
2008Scott Patterson
2007John Matthews
2006Milo Rasinac
2005Justin Long
2004Adrian Butera
2003Peter Kakos
2002Barry Plant
2001Adrian Butera
2000Michael McCarthy
1999Michael McCarthy
1998Adrian Butera