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Wellington Real Estate Pty Ltd

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REIV member for 16 years
2 REIV members


Our team at Wellington Real Estate Pty Ltd Sale & Stratford has a combined Real Estate knowledge of over 80 Years in the Gippsland Region. Wellington Real Estate is a team of Real Estate professionals who work to achieve results for our clients. We focus on local and national connections to ensure we capture every opportunity for our clients. In 2019 we re branded from LJ Hooker to Wellington Real Estate Pty Ltd with strong systems in place to grow and work with the local community.


Auctioneering, Commercial & Industrial Sales, Commercial & Industrial Leasing & Management, Residential Leasing & Management, Residential Sales, Farming & Rural Lifestyle

Image of Anthony Kiss

Anthony Kiss

OIEC/Working Director

Image of Jacinda Visser

Jacinda Visser

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