New electrical safety rental minimum standard applies from 29 March 2023


Rental providers will be responsible for ensuring that their rental properties comply with the electrical safety rental minimum standard, which comes into effect from 29 March 2023.

The electrical safety standard requires that rental properties must have modern style switchboards, with circuit breakers and electrical safety switches installed. Electrical safety switches are correctly known as residual current devices (RCD, RCCB or RCBO).

Rental providers should engage a licensed or registered electrician to check that their property is compliant, and to upgrade if required.

Electrical services regulations require a safety compliance certificate to be issued by an electrician, confirming that any work has been conducted in accordance with relevant safety laws.

Rental providers must ensure that the switchboard of the rental property is compliant with the standard at the time a renter moves in. Renters can also request an urgent repair to make the rental property meet the standard any time after they move in.

The standard applies to rental agreements that:

  • started after 29 March 2021

  • started before 29 March 2021 and rolled over into periodic agreements on or after 29 March 2021.

Rolling over to a periodic agreement is considered starting a new agreement, even if occupancy began before 29 March 2021.

If a new rental agreement is entered into after 29 March 2021 but before 29 March 2023, the rental provider has until 29 March 2023 to meet the standard even if a renter moves in before this date. If necessary, the renter can also request an urgent repair after 29 March 2023 to enforce compliance with the standard.

If a new rental agreement is entered into on or after 29 March 2023, then the rental provider will need to ensure that the rental property meets the safety standard prior to the renter moving in.

We encourage rental providers to engage an electrician early to ensure they meet their electrical safety obligations. Rental providers are entitled to ask the electrician questions to help them understand what work is required to meet the rental standard and to ask for a second opinion if unsure.

Under electrical services regulations, after completing any work the electrician must issue a safety compliance certificate confirming that the work was conducted in accordance with relevant safety laws. For more detailed information, visit the Consumer Affairs Victoria Rental minimum standards guide online.

Advice from Energy Safe Victoria

Energy Safe Victoria advises that electrical workers upgrading rental properties must ensure switchboards are not energised before the work is inspected by a licensed electrical inspector. For more information visit:

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