Personal Well-Being

Personal Well-Being

Employee Assistance Programs For Members

The REIV recognises the importance of employers being able to support their team’s emotional and psychological well-being, which is why we have teamed up with EAP Assist to provide individual members, agencies and their entire staff and families with a suite of resources to combat mental health issues and promote wellbeing both inside and outside the workplace.

EAPs (or Employee Assistance Programs) are a valuable resource that take a proactive, preventative approach to workplace mental health. 

All REIV Members can now access quality online resources that will help businesses improve:

  • performance and productivity

  • reduce absenteeism, conflict & occupational stress

  • improve staff morale, employee retention & recruitment

  • reduce workers compensation & other costs

  • improve employee satisfaction

  • enhance employer/employee relationships

EAP Assist resources for Members include:

  • Evidence-based, clinically tested wellness apps that address a comprehensive range of mental health issues, including depression, anxiety & stress as well as many wellbeing issues, including resilience, confidence & sleep. 

  • Online digital programs for mental health designed to help employees identify, understand & improve psychological difficulties like stress, anxiety, depression & insomnia as well as well-being issues like grief, substance abuse, financial concerns & pain management. 

  • Daily wellness posts aimed at proactively managing an employee’s mental and physical health before potential issues occur.

  • Access to Virtual Care Solutions that are composed of a valid & reliable mental health screening test designed to provide more information about your employee’s mental health and detect warning signs of a mental illness. This is supported by further suggestions on what the employee’s next steps should be based on the results.

  • Access to fun, flexible wellness challenges that are designed to foster healthy habit-forming behaviours from healthy eating to mindfulness, to team building, to fitness challenges and more. 

  • EAP Assist Resilience Program is designed to help develop coping skills they can use to endure tough times & quickly bounce back, face change head-on & come out in a better place.

    Please note, this service is provided as part of a partnership with EAP Assist. Please refer to any terms and conditions, guidance that EAP Assist provides. The personal consultation service is not included in the REIV Membership Benefits.

Who can access it?

All REIV Members can access the resources as part of their membership benefits. Office Members are encouraged to share these resources with their entire team. 

Are there any costs?

All online resources, including the short courses are available to REIV members at no additional cost. Please note, the Member access code is required to access many of the resources, please contact the membership team for the code. For those who wish to access any personalised support, costs should be discussed directly with the provider. 

What is the access code?

Please contact the REIV Membership team for the access code. Email 
The code is also distributed to all members at the annual renewal cycle.

What about privacy?

The REIV, any other Member or Employer will not have any access or visibility on any individual’s usage of the resources. All interaction between individuals and the EAP Assist website is limited to the individual and EAP Assist. 

REIV information will be strictly limited to only the overall assessment of use of the portal to understand whether Members value the service.


EAP Assist services should be utilized by all employees, not just those struggling with mental health issues, to make a positive impact on their personal & professional lives.

EAP Assist is a full well-being model focusing on helping all employees feel better, feel less stressed, be more resilient & more confident by providing a very broad range of professional wellness services.