Market snapshot

Suburb insights for Upper Ferntree Gully3156

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Upper Ferntree Gully is located 32 km east of the CBD. Located in the foothills of the Dandenong Ranges in Melbourne's east Upper Ferntree Gully is a predominantly residential suburb. The Burwood Highway and Belgrave railway lines disect the suburb while the Ferny Creek flows through the suburb's southern areas. Upper Ferntree Gully also features Kings Park Gilmour Park and the William Angliss Knox and Sherbrooke Community Hospital.

Recent sales and auction results in Upper Ferntree Gully

AddressBedroomsPriceTypeMethodSale DateAgentListing
15 Hilltop Rd, Upper ferntree gully4PriceHouse (Res)Private Sale3/10/2024Barry PlantView
18 Finmere Cr, Upper ferntree gully4PriceHouse (Res)Sold Before Auction11/10/2024Barry PlantView
3 Glass Rd, Upper ferntree gully4PriceHouse (Res)Private Sale9/10/2024Bell Real EstateView

Sales data

Median sale price
Quarterly price change
Metro Melbourne Comparison
BedroomsUpper Ferntree GullyMetro comparison
InsightUpper Ferntree GullyMetro comparison
Clearance rate73.3%
Days on market21.542

Rental data

Median weekly rent
Rental yield
Metro Melbourne Comparison
BedroomsUpper Ferntree GullyMetro comparison
Median data for the current quarter
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