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Suburb insights for Taylors Lakes3038

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Taylors Lakes is located 19 km north-west of the CBD. Taylors Lakes has been one of the fastest growing new suburbs in Melbourne over the last twenty years. It has been one of the major areas of new residential development in the north west growth corridor. Taylors Lakes also incorporates the areas of Keilor North Keilor Village and Calder Park. The suburb also features the Watergardens Shopping Centre the Keilor Golf Course and the Taylors Lakes Linear Park.

Recent sales and auction results in Taylors Lakes

AddressBedroomsPriceTypeMethodSale DateAgentListing
118 Lady Nelson Way, Taylors lakes3PriceHouse (Res)Auction Sale18/10/2024Barry PlantView
52 Blackman Cr, Taylors lakes4PriceHouse (Res)Auction Sale15/10/2024Ray White Taylors LakesView
202 Lady Nelson Way, Taylors lakes3PriceHouse (Res)Sold Before Auction12/10/2024Professionals REView
11 Tintaldra Dr, Taylors lakes4PriceHouse (Res)Private Sale1/10/2024Harcourts Deer Park/CairnleaView

Sales data

Median sale price
Quarterly price change
Metro Melbourne Comparison
BedroomsTaylors LakesMetro comparison
InsightTaylors LakesMetro comparison
Clearance rate80%73.3%
Days on market34.542

Rental data

Median weekly rent
Rental yield
Metro Melbourne Comparison
BedroomsTaylors LakesMetro comparison
Median data for the current quarter
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