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Suburb insights for Menzies Creek3159

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Menzies Creek is a rural township in the Dandenong Ranges and 5 km east of Belgrave. It lies within the Menzies Creek Valley and is one of the most scenic valleys with steeply sloping land with lush pasture tall Mountain Ash trees and native vegetation. The area features the Puffing Billy Railway. The Menzies Valley is one of the most scenic sections of the journey and the Menzies Creek Station has an island crossing platform with a track on each side.

Sales data

Median sale price
Annual price change
Metro Melbourne Comparison
BedroomsMenzies CreekMetro comparison
InsightMenzies CreekMetro comparison
Clearance rate73.3%
Days on market42

Rental data

Median weekly rent
Rental yield
Metro Melbourne Comparison
BedroomsMenzies CreekMetro comparison
Median data for the current quarter
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