Market snapshot

Suburb insights for Balnarring3926

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Balnarring is located 63 km south of the CBD. Located along the shores of Western Port Bay Balnarring is dominated by large tracts of open space and agricultural land. The suburb is sparsely populated although there are a significant number of holiday homes found along the Balnarring Beach Merricks Beach and Somers areas. The suburb is traversed by Merricks Creek and features significant areas of reserves such as the Wetlands surrounding Coolart Homestead.

Sales data

Median sale price
Annual price change
Metro Melbourne Comparison
BedroomsBalnarringMetro comparison
InsightBalnarringMetro comparison
Clearance rate73.3%
Days on market78.542

Rental data

Median weekly rent
Rental yield
Metro Melbourne Comparison
BedroomsBalnarringMetro comparison
Median data for the current quarter
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