

Victoria’s Leading Property Data Provider

PropertyData supports the real estate sector with insights, statistics through advanced technology. It is the trusted source of data for real estate professionals in Victoria.

PropertyData is the data provider of choice for Victorian real estate professionals for a number of reasons:

  • More than 1,550 Vic agencies regularly report results

  • ​More than 8,400,000 historical sales records are available to access

  • More than 3,000,000 sales results are appended with photos and plans

  • Over 96% of auction results are collected on a weekly basis

  • Over 89% of auction results are published and distributed by 7pm Saturday

REIV Members have access to significantly discounted pricing and a range of value adds to enhance your brand.

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Reporting Your Data

Sales and rental data reported by subscribers and REIV Members is consolidated with Valuer General Data and automatic feeds from listing portals.

Report Your Results

Publishing and using the data

The sales results reported provide the foundation for market statistics published state-wide and accessed by the government, media and consumers.

Your sales results are an important input in driving the REIV Choose a Member platform, giving consumers an opportunity to make an informed decision regarding the real estate professional they choose to work with.