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Trevor Petrie Real Estate Pty Ltd

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REIV member for 35 years
6 REIV members


Trevor Petrie Real Estate Pty Ltd is a local business operated by Trevor and Sue Petrie since 1988. Trevor Petrie has been selling real estate in Ballarat since 1978. Trevor Petrie Real Estate Pty. Ltd. is highly regarded in the community for its honesty, integrity and ability to deal with people in a fair and respectful manner.


Residential Leasing & Management, Residential Sales, Farming & Rural Lifestyle

REIV Awards and Recognitions

2023 - Property Data Sales Agency of the Year (Regional)
Image of Tracey Kodorenko

Tracey Kodorenko

Image of Scott Petrie

Scott Petrie


Image of Trevor Petrie

Trevor Petrie

Working Director

Image of Annie-Jo Ross

Annie-Jo Ross

Property Manager

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